Jobs at autonomous organization PO Box 1365 Islamabad are open to both male and female candidates.
خود مختار تنظیم PO Box 1365 اسلام آباد میں ملازمتیں مرد اور خواتین دونوں کے لیے کھلی ہیں۔
Autonomous Organization PO Box 1365 Islamabad Jobs 2022
Location: Islamabad
Education: BS
Last Date: May 08, 2022
Vacancies: Multiple
Vacant Positions:
Eligibility Criteria:
- Qualifications: BS Physical Education/Sports Sciences with the training course in the relevant game.
- Experience: Minimum 3 years experience as a coach in a reputed organization in the relevant game.
- Specialization in the relevant game.
- Preference shall be given to candidates with 3 or more years of experience in a reputed institution to those who have played at the state level or higher.
- The age of the applicants must be between 25 to 45 years.
قابلیت: متعلقہ کھیل میں تربیتی کورس کے ساتھ بی ایس فزیکل ایجوکیشن/اسپورٹس سائنسز۔
تجربہ: متعلقہ کھیل میں کسی معروف ادارے میں بطور کوچ کم از کم 3 سال کا تجربہ۔
متعلقہ کھیل میں مہارت۔
کسی نامور ادارے میں 3 یا اس سے زیادہ سال کا تجربہ رکھنے والے امیدواروں کو ترجیح دی جائے گی جو ریاستی سطح یا اس سے اوپر کھیل چکے ہیں۔
درخواست دہندگان کی عمر 25 سے 45 سال کے درمیان ہونی چاہیے۔
How to Apply?
- You should forward your application in the specified format to P.O Box No. 1365, Islamabad.
- All applications must be submitted in writing to the following address no later than the end of the month:
آپ کو اپنی درخواست مخصوص فارمیٹ میں پی او باکس نمبر 1365، اسلام آباد پر بھیجنی چاہیے۔
تمام درخواستیں تحریری طور پر درج ذیل پتے پر مہینہ کے آخر تک جمع کرائی جائیں:
Autonomous Organization PO Box 1365 Islamabad Jobs 2022

Find Out About the Latest Autonomous Organization Jobs in Islamabad
Autonomous Organization has been operating since 1985, and they currently employ over twenty thousand people in Islamabad, Pakistan. As an established company with an outstanding reputation and solid financial standing, Autonomous Organization offers their employees excellent benefits and security in addition to their salaries. Now, Autonomous Organization is accepting applications for future employees. If you’re interested in applying for jobs at Autonomous Organization or just want to learn more about the company, keep reading for all the details you need to know about the newest job opportunities at Autonomous Organization in Islamabad, Pakistan!
What is an autonomous organization?
An autonomous organization is a type of legal entity that is run by its members. In a typical partnership, all partners are personally liable for business debts. In an autonomous organization, members are only liable for debts if they have personally guaranteed them. To do so, they must sign a personal guarantee contract and indemnity bond, agreeing to pay business debts out of their own pockets. This makes it much easier to secure capital from investors because each member’s exposure is limited to their investment. However, it also means that debtors have less incentive to work with an autonomous organization; if any one member defaults on their debt obligations, there will be fewer funds available to satisfy creditors.
Examples of autonomous organizations
All interested applicants must send their CV and cover letter to PO Box 1365 Islamabad, Pakistan. Please include your salary requirements. Applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis and only those meeting all requirements will be contacted for an interview. Applicants must include prior work experience and qualifications (for example: education, training, skills) they bring to autonomous organization. If selected for an interview candidates must bring their original identification papers (e.g., passport or national ID card). You are encouraged to read through our hiring procedure guidelines to learn more about what we expect from potential employees. All correspondence is subject to review as necessary and only selected candidates will be contacted for interviews. We look forward to hearing from you!
How do you become part of an autonomous organization?
Becoming part of an autonomous organization can be a daunting task, but it is one you must undertake if you wish to get a job at one. The first thing to do is apply for jobs with all autonomous organizations that interest you. Each autonomous organization will have different ways of accepting applications, so make sure you follow their guidelines carefully and complete your application as thoroughly as possible. Once you have applied for each position, there are still some more steps you need to take before they can consider hiring you: You may be asked to attend interviews or assessments with representatives from each company that accepts your application; once these assessments are over, it may be another few weeks until they get back to you regarding whether or not they want to hire you and offer you a position.
The good, bad and ugly
How to get a job at an autonomous organization…and how not to: Looking for a job at an autonomous organization? Well, look no further! We’ve compiled insider info and first-hand accounts of what it’s like working for one of these governmental organizations. From days filled with action to assignments that are sure to keep you on your toes, we have all you need to know about being a part of Pakistan’s autonomous organization industry. Whether you want solid pay or ultimate benefits and perks, we’ve got you covered. So if you’re looking for a way into your future, then check out our guide today!
Why choose an autonomous organization?
There are a number of reasons why people choose to work at an autonomous organization. For example, some individuals like working for large companies that offer benefits and other perks. Others may feel more comfortable working for a government agency or nonprofit. Whatever your reason for seeking out autonomous organizations jobs, there are certainly a number of choices out there!
Where can you find more information about becoming part of an autonomous organization?
An autonomous organization is a group of individuals who work together to serve a common interest. This typically means that there is no single, centralized leader or hierarchy within an autonomous organization, as each individual makes decisions independently based on shared values and beliefs. These groups can be highly organized and structured with specific rules and roles, but they are often informal, flexible networks comprised of people who know each other well. These organizations are also unique because their members’ collective focus is directed outside of themselves—that is, an individual’s service to an autonomous organization often involves helping other people meet a goal or solve a problem. Common examples of autonomous organizations include book clubs, support groups, meditation circles and disaster relief teams.