Prime Minister Office Board of Investment Jobs 2022 for those interested to work in the Ministry of Finance. Click on this link for more details.
Prime Minister Office Board of Investment BOI Jobs 2022
Posted on: 29th May 2022
Location: Islamabad
Education: Graduation, Literate, Master, Primary
Last Date: June 11, 2022
Jobs: 30+
Department: Board of Investment
Job Address: Director Admin, Prime Minister’s Office, Board of Investment BOI, 6th Floor, Kohsar Block, Pak Secretariat, F-5, Islamabad
Bachelor’s Degree holders in the same disciplines can apply for the employment opportunities.
The Prime Minister’s Office PMO Jobs Advertisement has eligibility terms and conditions that need to be reviewed by candidates. Professionals who have been through the application process are asked to submit applications.
Vacant Positions:
How to Apply Online?
- Interested professionals may forward their applications online at or click here.
- The Application Form for other positions is available on the same link as the one for candidates who want to apply.
- The Prime Minister’s Office, Board of Investment, 6th Floor, Kohsar Block, F-5, Islamabad is where the Application Form should be submitted.
- Fourteen days after the publication of the advertisement, the closing date is announced.
Prime Minister Office Board of Investment BOI Jobs 2022

What You Need to Know About the Prime Minister Office Board of Investment BOI Jobs for 2022
The Prime Minister Office Board of Investment BOI Jobs are set to be issued in the coming year, and plenty of people will be wondering what sort of skills they’ll need to get one of these jobs in 2022. If you want to know more about what kind of talent the BOI Board of Investment will want to hire in the next few years, this article can help. We’ll tell you about some of the skills and qualifications you’ll need to have, as well as give you advice on how to prepare yourself ahead of time so that you’re fully ready when the time comes.
The Role
The Board of Investment (BOI) is a board within Pakistan’s Ministry of Commerce and Textile. The role offers plenty of opportunity as well as professional and personal development. The BOI oversees all matters relating to domestic investment, foreign direct investment (FDI), mergers and acquisitions, direct purchase by foreign investors, licensing policies, transfer of technology etc. at federal level.
The Requirements
1. Applicants should be male. 2. Age limit: 18–40 years 3. Degree in any field are eligible 4. Excellent knowledge about English, both written and spoken 5. Familiar with MS Word and other computer programs 6. Must pass a panel interview 7. Applicants who have worked in any Ministry (BOI) will not be eligible 8. The selected candidates will be placed at 5 star hotels in Pakistan 9.
The Process
In order to become a successful PMO BoI job candidate, it is important that you first make sure that you have certain qualifications. These include education level, age and time spent working in a related field. As long as you meet these basic requirements, then finding work at PMO BoI should be easy as long as you know where to look. There are multiple ways that you can go about doing so, such as going through job boards or contacting companies directly via email or phone call. Many companies will advertise their opportunities in relevant newspapers or industry magazines and news sites; however, there may be some that keep those opportunities under wraps until they find someone they are interested in hiring.
Tips from Previous Applicants
As an applicant, you’ll likely be asked to provide examples of your professional and personal leadership experience. Be prepared to include topics that show how you’re a qualified applicant by showcasing previous achievements and leadership opportunities. Keep in mind that some applicants may also be asked why they want a position on The Prime Minister’s Office Board of Investment (BOI). It’s important not to state because it is prestigious but instead discuss your passion for growth through entrepreneurship.