We bring Pak Army Jobs 2022 as Soldier Commission in Term 2022-B for Forces Jobs Seekers.Daily Express Newspaper has published this recruitment notice of Join Pak Navy 2022/Join Pakistan Navy Jobs.
Today is the opening of the online registration for the Navy Cadet Jobs. The website www.join paknavy.gov.pk has online registration form for desired individuals.
Join Pak Navy Jobs 2022
Posted on: 29th May 2022
Location: Pakistan
Education: Intermediate
Last Date: June 12, 2022
Jobs: 1050
Department: Pakistan Navy
Job Address: Pakistan Navy Recruitment & Selection Center, Lahore
Eligibility Criteria for Navy Cadets:
Eligible unmarried male applicants are being sought for the Join Pakistan Navy PN Cadet Course. Students in Administrative/Federal Tribal Districts in Pakistan may register online.
The candidate must have passed the O/A Level with at least 60 percent marks in any of the following subjects: physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, mathematics, or statistics.
Candidates who have O/A level qualifications are required to submit an equivalent certificate. Candidates who have at least 65% marks in F Sc Part II can apply. They will have to provide a certificate of hope from the head of the college.
The F Sc equivalent exam must be completed by January of the following year. If a candidate fails to get at least 60% marks after providing the Certificate of Hope, he/she will be disqualified at any stage of the selection process or will be dismissed during the training.
- Domicile: Pakistani nationals may apply.
- Gender: Unmarried Male applicants are eligible.
- Age Limit For Civilians: The age of the applicants must be between 16 Years 6 Months to 21 Years, which will be calculated till 1st January 2023.
- Age Limit for Service Candidates: The age limit for Service Candidates (Armed Forces in Uniform Only) is 17 to 23 years.
- Qualifications: FSc or O/A Level
- Height: The minimum height is required 5 feet 4 inches.
Vacant Positions:
Online Registration for PN Cadet Permanent Commission Course Term 2022-B:
- The online registration for the Pakistan Navy is open today.
- Students should visit www.joinnavypak.gov.pk for information.
- The online registration slip can be found on the link from May 29 to June 12th.
Join Pak Navy Jobs 2022

Here’s How You Can Join Pakistan’s Navy in 2022
Navy jobs are quite prestigious, as they are an important part of the country’s defense system. However, joining Pakistan Navy can seem like a daunting task to many who want to join the force, but simply do not know how to go about it. Here’s what you need to do in order to join Pakistan Navy in 2022.
The Training Process
Before you can even think about joining, you’ll need to decide if you want to pursue a career as an officer or non-commissioned member (NCM). While an officer path means you’ll receive much better pay and responsibility, it also requires at least two years of studying – including two years of military training at a college. If that sounds daunting or your mind is set on a job with less responsibility and more fun, consider joining as an NCM. The initial training is fairly quick; four months at a Military Academy, followed by some special training at sea before heading back for another 18 months to finish up.
The Eligibility Criteria
It is a great honor to join one of Pakistan’s three services. To apply, you will need to meet these basic criteria: •You must be 18–25 years old at the time of application •You must be between 5’2 and 6’2 tall •You must have completed matriculation or its equivalent from an accredited institution (Pakistani passport holders will not be eligible) •Selected candidates must pass medical, dental, and vision screening tests The Application Process: First, complete a two-page registration form here . The last page of your registration form will serve as your application for active duty. Once it has been submitted and accepted by authorities, you can expect to hear back within two weeks about your eligibility for service.
The Decision Process
The first step is to take a look at whether your goal is realistic, and not just something you think will be fun or make you popular. A good rule of thumb: can you realistically see yourself doing what it takes to achieve your goal? If it seems like something you would never do, don’t commit. Consider making a commitment contract with someone who knows and respects you. This means that they agree not to let you back out (because we all change our minds). That way, once your decision has been made, there’s no going back. Finally, focus on how much better things will be once you achieve your goal versus how bad they are now or what other people might say about your plan for success.
Joining the Naval Academy
The Pakistani Naval Academy is home to sailors and officers who graduate from training and pursue careers with one of Pakistan’s four main branches of military service. Aspiring candidates have a minimum age requirement of 17 years old, or 18 for those enrolled in college. Admission is competitive; successful applicants are typically younger than 22. Requirements include high school or equivalent education, good health and vision, a clean criminal record and proof of Pakistani citizenship. The application process takes time—you’ll need a referral from your village council to begin—and culminates with a written exam, followed by physical evaluation including an IQ test and medical examination. After acceptance to officer training school, prospective members will spend two years learning mathematics, natural sciences, English language proficiency and studying leadership under senior officers.
FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions about Joining the Pak Navy
1. Does anyone know anything about joining Pak Navy? 2. Will I have to give an exam or show any skills or documents to join Pak Navy? 3. Do you have any books, sites or any kind of information regarding steps and ways to join Pak Navy? 4. If yes, can you share that with me please. 5….