The various posts described below have been announced recently for the Higher Education Commission. Candidates from all over Pakistan are invited to apply for the posts if they are eligible, but only if they fulfill all the conditions designed by the commission.
حال ہی میں ہائر ایجوکیشن کمیشن کے لیے ذیل میں بیان کردہ مختلف آسامیوں کا اعلان کیا گیا ہے۔ پورے پاکستان سے امیدواروں کو اس عہدے کے لیے درخواست دینے کے لیے مدعو کیا جاتا ہے اگر وہ اہل ہیں، لیکن صرف اس صورت میں جب وہ کمیشن کی وضع کردہ تمام شرائط کو پورا کرتے ہوں۔
The successful candidates will be posted somewhere in Pakistan. You can apply for the posts by clicking on the link below. Don’t wait for the last date to apply, everyone is requested to apply as soon as possible. is where you can find career information.
کامیاب امیدواروں کو پاکستان میں کہیں تعینات کیا جائے گا۔ آپ نیچے دیے گئے لنک پر کلک کر کے پوسٹوں کے لیے اپلائی کر سکتے ہیں۔ اپلائی کرنے کی آخری تاریخ کا انتظار نہ کریں، سب سے درخواست ہے کہ جلد از جلد اپلائی کریں۔ وہ جگہ ہے جہاں آپ کیریئر کی معلومات حاصل کر سکتے ہیں۔
Higher Education Commission HEC Jobs 2022
Location: Pakistan
Education: Bachelor, Master
Last Date: February 17, 2022
Vacancies: 07
Vacant Positions:
There must be a strong educational background for the posts. There is a minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree and a Master’s Degree qualification required. The candidates need to have at least 1-15 years of experience in the relevant domain.
عہدوں کے لیے مضبوط تعلیمی پس منظر ہونا چاہیے۔ کم از کم بیچلر ڈگری اور ماسٹر ڈگری کی اہلیت درکار ہے۔ امیدواروں کو متعلقہ ڈومین میں کم از کم 1-15 سال کا تجربہ ہونا چاہیے۔
Merit will be followed if the candidates with more experience and qualifications are chosen. The information needs to be precise and accurate.
اگر زیادہ تجربہ اور قابلیت کے حامل امیدواروں کا انتخاب کیا جائے تو میرٹ پر عمل کیا جائے گا۔ معلومات کا درست اور درست ہونا ضروری ہے۔
How to Apply Online or Download Application Form?
- There are two ways to submit applications: online at or by clicking here.
- There’s no need to mail a hard copy of your
- Application processing fee of Rs. 600 should be submitted to the bank.
درخواستیں جمع کرانے کے دو طریقے ہیں: پر آن لائن یا یہاں کلک کرکے۔
آپ کی ہارڈ کاپی میل کرنے کی ضرورت نہیں ہے۔
درخواست کی پروسیسنگ فیس روپے۔ 600 بینک میں جمع کرائے جائیں۔
Higher Education Commission HEC Jobs 2022

Higher Education Commission HEC Jobs 2022: Apply Now!
The Higher Education Commission HEC Jobs 2022 are now open, and thousands of candidates are expected to apply in the next few days. The HEC has released a job advertisement to fill the following positions: Program Coordinator (1,700), Assistant Director (2,000), Director (1,500), Deputy Director (2,000), Senior Officer (3,000), Executive Officer (2,500) and additional vacancies. The job descriptions are not yet known at this time, but more information will be released as it becomes available.
The Higher Education Commission (HEC) is a Pakistani federal body that regulates higher education in Pakistan. The commission oversees all public and private sector educational institutions, including universities, colleges, vocational institutions, technical and health institutions in public sector. As of 2017 it has more than 6000 employees working across Pakistan as well as in foreign countries. In addition to its regulatory responsibilities, it also conducts research studies, provides scholarships for students seeking professional degrees abroad through its sister organizations, arranges lectures by experts on various topics for staff and faculty members at universities and reviews syllabi used at various educational institutes to ensure that they are consistent with latest developments and trends.
Job Title & Type
Associate Professor. The candidate should be a PhD and MPhil in Economic Theory, Finance, Econometrics or Statistics with at least 10 years of relevant experience. Experience & Age Limit: Maximum age limit is 45 years for Assistant Professors, 40 for Associate Professors and 35 for Professors. They should have worked in an academic institution for minimum 5 years after completing their PhD/MPhil degree. Those who have worked as faculty members outside Pakistan are also eligible to apply provided they can prove their experience by providing reference letters from foreign universities.
Islamabad & Rawalpindi only. The Higher Education Commission (HEC) is a Government of Pakistan organization that regulates and supervises all aspects of higher education in Pakistan. It is headquartered in Islamabad, with regional offices in all four provinces and one each for Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir.
Application Requirements
Pakistan’s Higher Education Commission offers numerous job opportunities in over 45 different fields of work including administration, law, engineering, agriculture and education. Most careers at HEC require a Master’s Degree or Ph.D., though they do have some positions available for bachelor degree holders. To apply for a job at HEC, send your application to [email protected] (preferably via email). Be sure to include your full name and address along with specific information about what position you are applying for and any relevant experience you have. Applications are typically accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year; however, because many positions require candidates with advanced degrees (and sometimes even experience), be sure to apply early so that you can prepare accordingly if necessary.
Salary, Benefits & Other Information
The Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC) is a statutory body that regulates and supervises higher education in Pakistan. The commission’s role is to develop a comprehensive framework for overseeing quality assurance, as well as manage funding and scholarships for universities, colleges, technical/vocational institutes and private sector initiatives. The commission also acts as a regulatory body for degree-awarding institutions by setting standards for them, implementing government policies relating to these institutions and ensuring their compliance with regulations governing academic matters. It also implements accreditation programs to ensure that Pakistan’s academic standards are rising steadily.