Agriculture Department of Punjab provides information about upcoming jobs in Punjab and jobs opportunities in various departments in the government sector.Check out the ad for the free information.
This career notice can be found in the newspaper. These vacancies are open to qualified, energetic, and talented individuals who have resided in Punjab Province.
Agriculture Department Punjab Jobs 2022
Posted on: 17th June 2022
Location: Punjab
Education: Bachelor, Intermediate, Literate, Master, Matric, Middle, Primary
Last Date: June 30, 2022
Jobs: 230
Department: Agriculture Department Punjab
Job Address: Secretary Agriculture, Govt of Punjab, Civil Secretariat, 2-Bank Road, Lahore
Applicants should have a Bachelor’s Degree with two years work experience or any combination of relevant fields, such as BCom, BBA, BCA, MBA, or PGDBM.Q: How do I call methods from a child component?
Vacant Positions:
- Accounts Officer
- Agriculture Officer
- Assistant
- Assistant Agricultural Engineer
- Beldar
- Chowkidar
- Computer Operator
- Contract Management Specialist
- Deputy Director
- Field Assistant
- Helper
- Junior Clerk
- Procurement Specialist
- Rodman
- Sweeper
- Vehicle Driver
- Vehicle Driver Attendant
- Water Management Officer
- Water Management Supervisor
How to Apply for Agriculture Department Punjab Jobs 2022?
- Currently, we have posted three ads. The procedure for applying for each ad is briefly mentioned in the vacancy notice.Applicants should carefully review the job requirements.
- These Vacancies and Application Forms are available on the Agricultural Department Punjab website
- You must forward your application to the given addresses, along with all required information and attested copies of your documents.
Agriculture Department Punjab Jobs 2022